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    减小字体 增大字体 作者:惠民大叔  来源:公众号  
    发布时间:2020-03-15 16:25:26


    Five children once took us to the chocolate factory for a magical tour. The magic of the film ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ is that even if you are not a child, you can still be brought into the children's world by the plot and feel the same fantastic ideas as the children. The beauty of a fairy tale is that the spiritual aspect beyond the material can be eternal and will always bring you good luck.

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    “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”—Film




    This amazing film, which is loved by children all over the world, was adapted from the novel of the same name by Roald Dahl, British writer of children's literature.

    What kind of person can write such wonderful children's literature? What is it about this remarkable man's imagination that makes the seeds of amazing stories grow?

    The Times of London once voted Roald Dahl "my favourite author", with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling at number two.

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    Roald Dahl, British writer of children's literature




    Dahl went to the Repton School when he was 13 years old. As Dahl was a friend of a prefect at Repton, he had his own little desk. He was very tall, already measuring 1.98 meters by this point. He was very good at sports and Repton is famous for its sports, ranking third amongst schools in the UK. Dahl wrote "a lot of people may know nothing about fives, but it is valued in Repton school". In Repton, Dahl pursued a wide variety of sports activities, but also enjoyed great teaching and memorable classes.

    During his study at Repton School, a chocolate company 'Cadbury' would occasionally send new products for students in Repton to taste. Dahl came up with an idea to make his own chocolate which was also an inspiration for his second book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.

    Dahl wrote about a math teacher at Repton called Cox in his novel, "Cox was lovely, which was neither stuffy nor boring... His lessons had endless amusing things."

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    Repton School




    As a famous school with 463 years of teaching history, the Repton School in England prides itself on respect for the individual development of each student and on providing students with a lot of opportunities to expand their extracurricular interests. Repton school encourages students to participate in various social activities and comprehensively improve their abilities in all aspects.

    As a teacher at Repton, it is more about “communication” than “imparting”, which means discussing and solving problems with students and guiding them on the basis of mutual respect. This approach is aimed at developing a child's independent learning ability.

    Roald Dahl's imagination flourished at Repton, and his achievements owe much to the interactive style practiced by its great teachers.

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    Repton Children




    Repton has a lot of experience in international education and based on that experience it decided to set up its first school in China. Chiway Education, founded in 1996, is one of the most experienced private education practitioners in China. Chiway Education cultivates the latest educational concepts and specializes in the integration of Chinese and Western education. It advocates diversity in the development of children, which aligns perfectly with the educational concepts of the Repton School in the UK.

    In 2019, Chiway Education and the Repton School - these two “big brothers” with high quality educational standards and high quality teaching resources - signed an agreement on a beautiful island to build a world-class school; Chiway Repton School Xiamen.

    As Chiway Repton has come to Xiamen, would you be the next Roald Dahl ?

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    3.21(周六)10:30-11:30,厦门华锐莱普顿学校外方校长Tom Kline、幼儿园中方园长Ivy Huang将带您坐上时光机,走进近500年老品牌——英国莱普顿公学,与您分享厦门华锐莱普顿学校里“不乏味也不无聊”的“科克斯”老师们。

    Do you want to continue the 463-year tradition of Repton?

    Are you curious about the teaching faculty of Chiway Repton School Xiamen?

    What kind of student are Chiway Repton School Xiamen searching for?

    From 10:30 am to 11:30 am on Saturday (21th March), Tom Kline, Headmaster of Chiway Repton School Xiamen, and Ivy Huang, Chinese Principal of Early Years, will help you appreciate Repton's 463 year-old British pedigree, and share with you the new teachers like Mr. Cox who are "neither stuffy nor boring" in Chiway Repton School Xiamen.

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    Tom Kline


    l 获得新英格兰大学教育管理专业硕士学位

    l 曾担任上海交通大学附属高中国际部校长

    l 曾任职上海西华国际学校校长

    l 拥有20年国际教育行业教学及管理经验

    黄静 Ivy Huang


    l 获得英国斯特灵大学硕士学位

    l 持有幼儿园职业园长高级证书

    l 曾先后任职于赫德双语学校、人大附中杭州学校等国内知名国际化学校

    l 拥有超过16年的学前教育领域教学管理经验




    Tom Kline

    Headmaster of Chiway Repton School Xiamen

    Master of Education from the University of New England in Educational Administration. International Principal of the Jiao Tong High School, Shanghai. Director of the Western International School of Shanghai. Tom Kline has 20 years of international teaching and management experience.

    Ivy Huang

    Chinese Principal of Chiway Repton School Xiamen

    Master's degree from the University of Stirling.Professional Director of Kindergarten.She has worked in well-known schools such as HD Bilingual School, RDFZ King’s College School.Over 16 years of teaching management experience in Early Years Education.

    Seats are limited, you need to reserve the online broadcast

    Please contact the admission office’s official WeChat

    please note the name of the child + the grade when adding the admissions staff member

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    0592-2100886  (备注来自惠民大叔










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