招生计划 ENROLLMENT PLAN 7年级10个班,编班人数30人。 10 classes in Grade 7 with 30 students each. 招生范围 TARGET STUDENTS (一)厦门市户籍的2022届小学毕业生; Students graduate from primary school in 2022 with Xiamen household registration. (二)厦门市学籍的2022届小学毕业生且父(母)近两年在厦居住、务工并缴交社保; Students graduate from primary school in 2022 with Xiamen school registration. Also, their parents live and work in Xiamen and have already paid social insurance in recent 2 years. (三)在厦门居住的港澳台籍学生或外籍人员子女。 Students who are from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries live in Xiamen. 招生规则 STEPS 1. 申请就读我校且符合报名条件的学生家长于6月3日-7日登录“厦门i教育综合服务平台”,进入“厦门市民办初中报名系统”进行报名和志愿填报; Target students who want to apply for our school should login in “Xiamen i Education Integrated Service Platform” and “厦门市民办初中报名系统” to fill out application during June 3rd to 7th. 2. 6月30日公示派入我校名单; We will announce the list of students admitted on June 30th. 3. 若派入我校生数小于招生计划,其他有意就读我校的学生家长可于7月5日前至我校进行补报名,逾期不再招生。 Students who want to apply for our school after June 8th should contact us before July 5th if we have vacancies. Admission will end on July 5th. 收费标准 FEE 学费首届99600元/学年,住宿费首届13600元/学年。如审批部门最终审批收费高于我校优惠价,仍执行优惠价,如低于优惠价就执行审批价。 The tuition fee for students who are admitted by the school this year is 99600 RMB/year, and accommodation is 13600 RMB/year. 注意事项 NOTE BELOW 民办初中网上报名派位以“志愿优先”为原则,故有意愿入读我校的学生在网上报名时应第一志愿填报华师希平双语学校。 According to the requirements for private schools in Xiamen, students who intend to apply for our school should choose ECNU Xiping Bilingual School first when filling out the application form online. 咨询部门 CONSULTING DEPARTMENT 华师希平双语学校招生咨询中心 ECNU Xiping Bilingual School Admission Office 咨询电话 Tel:0592-2077377--备注来自惠民大叔推荐。